to Batken State University.
I. General provisions
1.1. This Rule governs the admission of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and citizens of other states to Batken State University (hereinafter referred to as “BATSU”) regardless of its organizational and legal forms (forms of ownership and departmental subordination) for training in educational programs of higher professional education under contracts with payment of tuition fees with legal and (or) individuals (hereinafter – the contract with the payment of tuition fees).
1.2. This Rule is developed in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Education and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of education.
1.3. The Bat State University, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, independently develops, approves and agrees with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter referred to as the MES KR) annual admission rules in the part that does not contradict the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and this Procedure.
1.4. On the first course in BatSU are accepted persons with secondary and vocational education.
1.5. For subsequent courses are taken persons with a state diploma of higher vocational education at various levels. For the subsequent courses of the respective specialties, persons are accepted who have a state diploma of a secondary vocational education of the corresponding profile. The list of specialties of secondary vocational education and corresponding to them in profile areas and specialties of higher vocational education is approved by the MES KR.
1.6. Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic have the right to receive on a competitive basis a free higher education in BatSU within the limits of state educational standards, if education of this level is obtained by them for the first time.
1.7. Education of citizens of other states in the BatSU is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, on the basis of international contracts that have entered into force in accordance with the established procedure, of which the Kyrgyz Republic is a party, as well as on the basis of contracts between educational organizations or with individual citizens. Agreements between the BatSU and partners that provide mediation services in various countries of the world for the selection of foreign citizens in the BatSU should be agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic before being announced in the BatSU.
1.8. The main criteria for admission to the BatSU, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, for full-time and extra-mural forms, including the use of distance learning technologies, are the level of knowledge and ability of the applicant.
1.9. BatSU announces admission after agreeing with the MES KR a list of training areas and specialties and their admission plan.
II. Organization of admission to the BatSU
2.1. To organize the admission of students to all forms of education under an agreement with payment of tuition fees by order of the head of the BatSU, a selection committee is created, the chairman of which is the rector of the BatSU.
2.2. The chairman of the admissions committee is responsible for the implementation of the admission plan, compliance with the limit contingent set by the license, as well as the requirements of the regulatory legal acts on admission to the BatSU, determines the duties of the members of the admissions and appeal commissions, approves the procedure for their work, the admission schedule of citizens of the admissions and appeals commission.
2.3. The composition, powers and procedure for the activities of the selection committee is determined by the regulations approved by the rector of the BatSU. The term of office of the selection committee is one year.
2.4. The work of the selection committee and the clerical work, as well as the personal reception of applicants and their parents (legal representatives) are organized by the responsible secretary, who is appointed by the rector of the BatSU. The candidatures of the responsible secretaries of the selection committees are consistent with the MES KR. The same person may not be the executive secretary for more than two years in a row.
2.5. For the organization and conduct of entrance examinations, the chairman of the selection committee approves the composition of the examination and appeal commissions. The powers and procedure of the examination and appeal commissions are determined by the regulations on them approved by the rector of the BatSU. Examination commissions are completed from the most experienced teachers of the Batken State University. The composition of these commissions must be updated annually by at least 50 percent.
2.6. Certification commissions are created to organize and conduct certification tests for admission to the second and subsequent courses at BatSU. The order of formation, composition, powers and order of activities of the certification commissions, as well as the procedures for conducting certification tests are determined by the relevant provisions approved by the rector of the BatSU.
2.7. When accepting at BatSU, the chairman of the selection committee ensures observance of the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, publicity and openness of the work of the selection committee, objectivity in assessing the abilities and aptitudes of applicants, accessibility of the management of the selection committee at all stages of the reception.
2.8. The admission committee is obliged to monitor the accuracy of information about the applicant’s participation in GRT, and also has the right to verify other educational documents submitted by the applicant.
III. Organization of informing applicants
3.1. The entrant, his legal representatives, parents have the right to familiarize themselves with the Charter of the BatSU, its educational licenses and certificates of state and other attestation (accreditation), the rules of admission to the BatSU, as well as entrance test programs and other necessary information related to admission. When admission to the field under an agreement with payment of tuition fees, the selection committee is obliged to acquaint the applicant, his legal representatives, parents with the obligations and rights of the parties, the size and procedure for paying tuition fees, the possibility of providing benefits in payment.
3.2. BatSU announces the admission of citizens for training in educational programs of higher professional education only if they have a license to conduct educational activities in these educational programs.
3.3. In order to familiarize the applicant and / or his parents (legal representatives), the BatSU is obliged to place the documents specified in clause.
3.1 on its official website and / or to issue information walls in the BatSU not later than May 1.
3.4. Prior to the beginning of the reception of documents, the admission committee of the BatSU announces the following: annual rules for admission to the BatSU; list of areas of training and specialties for which the BatGU announces admission in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities;
list of entrance examinations in general subjects in each area of training and specialty;
list and forms of entrance examinations for persons with higher professional education;
the list and forms of entrance examinations for training in the programs of magistracy and certification tests – for the second and subsequent courses;
the total number of places for admission to the first course in each area of training and specialty;
rules for the filing and consideration of appeals based on the results of entrance and certification tests;
information on the availability of hostel (s) and the number of places in hostels for non-resident entrants;
sample contract for applicants to the field under contracts with payment of tuition fees;
the timing of entrance examinations for training in graduate programs and certification tests for the second and subsequent courses;
terms of making payment for tuition.
3.5. During the period of receiving the documents, the admission committee of BatSU daily informs applicants about the number of applications submitted and the competition, organizes the operation of special telephone lines to answer all applicants’ questions.
Information on the number of applications submitted, the competition should be presented in each area of training and specialty and posted on the official website of the BatSU and / or on the information stand of the admissions committee.
IV. Reception of documents
4.1. Reception of documents for places under the contract with payment of tuition fees starts from June 20.
4.2. Admission to the University is held at the personal request of citizens.
4.3. The applicant has the right to apply for participation in the competition simultaneously in several universities, in several areas of training (specialties), as well as on various forms of education (full-time, part-time and distance learning technologies).
When submitting an application for admission to the University, an applicant presents a document proving his identity and citizenship. The application is accompanied by a state document on secondary general or secondary vocational education and the required number of photographs. Additional documents (death certificates of parents, medical and social expertise, documents confirming the existence of a sports title, etc.) may be submitted by an applicant if he claims for benefits established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
4.4. When applying for admission to a higher education institution, the applicant at his own discretion presents the original or certified photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship, original or certified photocopy of the state education certificate and the required number of photographs.
4.5. Assurance of a photocopy of documents of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the original of the BatGU, in which they appear, is allowed.
4.6. Foreign citizens must submit to the admissions office a document on education, equivalent to a state document on secondary general education or secondary vocational education of the Kyrgyz Republic. The examination of documents of foreign citizens is carried out by the MES KR. Foreign citizens are not allowed to enroll without providing a certificate of compliance with the level of educational content issued by the MES KR.
4.7. The procedure for conducting tours of selection and enrollment of applicants for grant (budget) places is established by a separate provision.
4.8. A personal file is filed for each incoming person, in which all the documents and materials submitted for the admission tests, certification tests (including an extract from the minutes of the decision of the Appeal Commission of the BatSU) are stored.
Personal files of applicants are stored in a higher education institution for six months from the moment they start receiving documents.
4.9. When submitting the documents, the applicant will receive a receipt for receiving the documents.
4.10. Applicants who submitted to the university admissions office knowingly false documents are liable under the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
V. National testing and entrance tests
5.1. The competition for the enrollment of applicants for all forms of training under an agreement with payment of tuition fees is held only on the basis of the GRT of the current year. If the applicant has an GRT score higher than the threshold score, the admission committee does not have the right to refuse to accept the certificate for participation in the competition.
5.2. The terms and procedure of the competition for full-time education under an agreement with payment of tuition fees based on GRT results are similar to conducting selection rounds and enrolling applicants for grant training. In each round, the applicant has the right to choose one institution of higher education (higher education institution) by collecting a voucher coupon certificate in a sealed box of the desired faculty. When submitting a tear-off coupon, the presentation of the original certificate is mandatory. The competition is held without taking into account the categories of applicants established for applicants applying for a state educational grant, applicants with the highest scores are recommended for enrollment.
The terms of the competition and enrollment to the internally-correspondence (evening), correspondence courses, including the use of distance learning technologies, are set by the university independently. Applicants who did not pass these tests, but have a score equal to or higher than the basic test, are also allowed to compete for places under an agreement with payment of the cost of training for specialties and areas that require additional subject tests. When enrolling in these specialties, applicants who have the results of subject tests enjoy the priority right; applicants for the remaining places are recommended based on the results of the main test.
5.3. BatSU conducts entrance tests exclusively:
– for applicants entering the areas of training and specialty that do not require the results of GRT;
– for applicants – foreign citizens.
5.4. Entrance tests can be carried out simultaneously with the conduct of the selection of applicants according to the results of GRT.
5.5. The rules of admission to the BatSU, regardless of its organizational and legal form, determine the list of subjects for entrance tests.
5.6. Introductory tests (except for tests on specialties of art and physical culture) are carried out according to the programs corresponding to curricula of secondary general education.
5.7. Dates of entrance examinations in universities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, from July 10 to August 20. Dates of entrance examinations for foreign citizens can be extended until October 15.
5.8. The schedule of admission and certification tests (subject, date, time, examination group and exam venue, consultation, date of announcement of results) is approved by the chairman of the selection committee or his deputy and notified to applicants no later than June 20. In the schedule of entrance tests and attestation tests, the names of the chairmen of the examination boards and examiners are not listed.
5.9. Persons who have taken away the documents after the completion of the receipt of documents are dropped out of the competition.
5.10. Persons who did not appear for the entrance test for a good reason (illness or other circumstances, documented) are allowed to them in parallel groups, at the next stage of passing the entrance examinations or individually during the period before their full completion.
5.11. The competition for admission to the second and subsequent courses is conducted on the basis of certification tests conducted by the BatSU independently. At the same time, the period of mastering higher education programs is determined by the academic difference in the disciplines stipulated by the relevant state educational standards. Academic difference is determined in the manner established by the Regulation on the transfer, expulsion and restoration of students of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of normative legal acts regulating the activities of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education of the Kyrgyz Republic” dated May 29, 2012 No. 346.
VI. General rules for admission tests
6.1. Introductory tests can be carried out in the form of testing (blank), interviews.
6.2. The BatSU can use the test tasks of the National Testing Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of an agreement concluded with it. Tests, tasks for written examinations, developed by the subject commissions of the University, must comply with the program of secondary general education.
6.3. Packages of test tasks and keys (answers) to them should be kept by the chairman of the selection committee in sealed envelopes, which are opened immediately before the test (exam).
6.4. The duration of testing is determined by the university.
6.5. The admission of applicants for entrance examinations is carried out in the presence of a passport or other identity document.
6.6. Before the beginning of entrance examinations, members of the examination committee are briefed on the rules for conducting the exam.
6.7. During the entrance exam, applicants are prohibited from:
– to bring and use textbooks, notebooks, notes, mobile phones, electronic notebooks and other means of storing information;
– to talk or change without the permission of the examiners;
– exchange exam tickets, answer forms and notes.
In the case of repeated violations of the requirements for the order of the entrance examinations, the applicant may be disqualified and not allowed to the next exam. Disqualification is issued by the relevant act, certified by the signatures of members of the examination committee.
6.8. When an applicant submits the completed test task, commission members check the compliance of the option number on the answer form and test task, the absence of corrections, marks on the response form, filling out the forms with a ballpoint pen or gel pen.
6.9. Presence at the entrance exams unauthorized persons is prohibited.
6.10. At the end of the exam, tests, answer forms and exam sheets are handed over to the selection secretary.
6.11. The responsible secretary, together with members of the selection committee, encrypts written papers or answer forms, putting a conditional code on the examination sheet and answer form.
6.12. Examination sheets remain with the executive secretary and are stored in a sealed safe, and the forms of the answers are transferred to the members of the examination committee for verification, while checking them is allowed only at the BatSU. Persons who are not related to this entrance test are not allowed to check.
6.13. Examination papers are checked on the same day, immediately after the end of encryption.
6.14. When checking the examination papers, you must adhere to the following rules:
– Answers written in pencil are not counted;
– when the applicant draws two answers, the answer to this question is not counted;
– on the forms of answers next to the points put up, the signature and surname of the inspector must be put;
– if a signature is found on the forms of answers or any non-work related inscriptions, the test items are checked by two examiners.
6.15. The minimum threshold score, which gives the applicant the right to participate in the competition, is set by the university in advance and cannot be less than 40 percent of the maximum possible number of points.
6.16. The list of applicants recommended for admission to the field under the contract with payment of tuition fees should be posted no later than 10 am the next day after the exam.
6.17. The written work of individuals enrolled in the BatSU is hemmed into their personal files. Written works of unaccepted applicants are stored for six months, after which they are destroyed.
VII. General rules for filing and reviewing appeals
7.1. According to the results of the admission or certification test, the applicant has the right to submit to the appeal commission a written appeal statement about the violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the test, and / or disagreement with his (their) results (hereinafter – the appeal).
In the case of a written test, the applicant can get acquainted with their work.
7.2. Consideration of the appeal is not a re-exam. During the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the results of the entrance test is checked.
7.3. The appeal is filed by the applicant personally on the day after the announcement of the exam score is announced. The admissions office ensures that appeals are received throughout the day.
7.4. The applicant has the right to be present at the appeal. The applicant must have with him a document proving his identity, and an examination sheet.
7.5. With a minor applicant (under 18), one of the parents or legal representatives, except minors, recognized in accordance with the law fully capable before reaching the age of majority, has the right to attend.
7.6. After consideration of the appeal, the decision of the appeal commission on the assessment of the exam.
7.7. If disagreements arise in the appeal commission, a vote is taken, and the decision is approved by a majority vote. The decision of the appeal commission drawn up by the protocol is brought to the notice of the applicant (against signature).
Viii. Enrollment
8.1. Enrollment of applicants in the number of students of the BatSU, for all forms of education is made in the presence of the original document of education or its duplicate.
8.2. Enrollment of applicants in the number of students according to the results of GRT is made in the presence of the original certificate of the test results. The results of GRT of applicants who have confirmed their desire to study at the university by submitting the necessary documents to the selection committee must be confirmed by the Independent Test Service before enrollment.
8.4. Enrollment of applicants in the number of full-time students of BatSU, to places under an agreement with payment of tuition fees is made until August 25, for other forms of education – until August 31. The deadline for admission of applicants from among foreign citizens can be extended until October 15.
8.5. Outside the competition, if there is a score corresponding to a positive assessment, they are credited to the field under an agreement with payment of tuition fees:
– military personnel transferred to the reserve and eligible for benefits established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
– children – orphans and children left without parental care (up to 18 years old inclusively, on October 1 of the current year);
– Persons with disabilities, who, according to the conclusion of the medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated in high school education in their chosen field of study and specialty;
– winners of international and national Olympiads (who took 1-3 places in the current year) in areas and specialties in the selected university, in which the subject of the Olympiad is a major.
8.6. Champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, world championships and champions of the Asian Games are accepted without entrance examinations (examinations, testing and interviews) at the BatSU for training in areas of training (undergraduate), and specialties in the field of physical culture and sports.
Athletes who have sports titles “Master of Sports of the Kyrgyz Republic”, “Master of Sports of the Kyrgyz Republic of international class” enjoy the right of priority to enter the BatSU.
8.7. Students of pre-university training units are accepted at BatSU on a general basis.
8.8. Persons who did not attend the entrance tests without valid reasons, as well as those who received an unsatisfactory rating, do not participate in the competition and are not enrolled in the BatSU.
8.9. The order (orders) on enrollment according to the results of the competition, indicating the number of points scored on the entrance examinations or on GRT, are published on the official website of the BatSU and on the information stand of the admissions committee.
8.10. In case of detection of the facts of the competition and improper admission of the applicant, including on the basis of inaccurate information about the ORT results submitted by the MES of the Kyrgyz Republic during the inspection conducted in the order of supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the student shall be deducted in the prescribed manner.
Ix. Information submission and control
9.1. The BatSU submits to the MO and N KR a summary of admission data on the following dates:
– for training at the expense of the budget – until September 15;
– for training on a fee basis – until October 15;
9.2. The control over the work of admissions committees of the BatSU is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the KR