The Department of Educational and Methodological and Information Technologies operates on the basis of regulations of the higher education system of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Standard of educational programs. Organizes, plans and regulates the educational process on the basis of curricula of directions / profiles / specialties approved by the OOP of Batsu, and is also the main unit that ensures the quality of education through the introduction and training of best practices, the widespread use of educational technologies, innovative methods in the educational process, creating a base through IS, publishing the achievements of the educational institution.

Goals and objectives

Sustainable development of the education system based on the mission of Batsu, taking into account the requirements for the training of highly qualified personnel and current standards, planning, effective organization, analysis of the quality of the educational process in KSPI based on the use of new educational technologies.

Main tasks:

1. Effective and long-term planning of activities for the preparation and admission of bachelors / secondary specialties in the forms of study at batsu KSPI.

2. Coordination of the necessary organizational norms, information and defining documents in accordance with the activity.

3. Development and development of measures for targeted planning, analysis, management and verification of the educational process in order to improve the quality of education.

4. Coordination of the work of faculties, departments, departments of KSPI Batsu to improve the quality of education and ensure the educational process.

5. Dissemination and generalization of the best practices of faculties and departments, as well as other universities on the organization of the educational process and independent activity of students, the introduction and development of new educational technologies in the educational process.

5. Providing educational, methodological, advisory and other assistance to the heads of departments and services that ensure the educational process and its quality.

6. Providing faculties, departments and departments with relevant educational and methodological recommendations, regulations, regulatory materials on the organization, planning and verification of the educational process.

Employees of the educational and methodological and information technology department:   

Full namePositionEmail addressWork phonePersonal information  
1.Zhamshutova Burmakan ZholdoshevnaHead of the Departmentbjamshutova77@gmail.com0772 264 929 
2.Abdumansurova Akylai MaratovnaLeading specialistaabdumansurova19@gmail.com0772159022 
3.Bekmurzayeva Buazhar Abdusattarovna  Leading specialist in quality and  0777 008 144 
4.Kalykov Beksultan OsmanovichSpecialist in  0779 59 59 27 
5.Payaz uulu SamidinSingle Window  0225 000 525 
6.Nasriddinov Alisher AlizhonovichEngineer-technicianalisernasridinov386@gmail.com0774 699 769 
7.Suyunova Aikokul AbdykarovnaWebsite Specialist 0772 370 628 
8.Mamatov OmurbekInformation Technology and ISO Specialistomar.mamatov23@gmail.com0777 006 697